Sunday, January 16, 2005

(eucalyptus) variation

eucalyptus variation
Originally uploaded by madabandon.
Today was odd. It started with a flurry of activity, scheduling a meeting time and place with the woman from NPR. Then into manhattan, chelsea, where, caffeinated, I spoke to her for about 45 minutes. Then back to Brooklyn; I was going to go buy a new iPod, but I thought I would wait until next month when it is my birthday. Then at home, feeling restless and dissatisfied, I went to the grocery store, cooked some chicken soup (prevent the cold I feel I am getting) and took a nap. But all afternoon I felt some agitation and nerves. Unsettled, but not in the mood to wander. This blog can absorb a lot of time, which is both good and bad. Tomorrow I will swim.

1 comment:

b said...

jon, The ipod shuffle is so cool; check it out.