Saturday, January 01, 2005

new year's day

Originally uploaded by madabandon.
I barely made it past midnight last night. The lack of sleep the previous night took its toll. There were fireworks on the promenade, but I did not go see them. Y and Nani went and said that it was not so crowded. This morning I feel subdued and feel a growing sadness but when I try to sort out the causes I get overwhelmed. Extremeways, in his final posting, suggests that in a blog one creates a self that is not real. I would argue that one can express the most real part of the self, since one doesn't have to filter words and thoughts through the codes of manners and consideration that enable society to function. This means that if I wish to scream, rant, and rage, I can do it here without offense. But like any creation, the blog is at the same time a fabrication. But it can be a fabrication that is an expression of the truth.

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