Wednesday, May 11, 2005


I just bought a new digital camera. I want more creative control over my pictures. So I went where all smart people go, to B&H. But I wanted to throttle my salesman. I asked for the Lumix FZ20. They were sold out. "Is there a comparable camera in that price range?" He shook his head no. So I asked for recommendations for a slightly higher-priced SLR-like camera. He just babbled on to me that nothing I was concerned about (focus control, aperture control) mattered. Then he told me that he had an MFA in photography and taught photography. So I asked him which camera, in my price range, he would buy if he were choosing. His answer? "I use a $14,000 ____________ (I don't remember the manufacturer)." I wanted to scream. But I bought a camera anyway. Canon Proshot 1, very nice, great lens and zoom. I am looking forward to using it.

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