Thursday, July 21, 2005


I have been eating so many blueberries lately. I am, according to what I hear, bombarding my body with antioxidants. They taste really good, so good that I am not growing tired of them the way I would with most things. And they are one of the very few naturally-occurring blue foods.

In college I went through a phase during which I would use food-coloring to turn ordinary foods fantastic colors. Blue mashed potatos and bright pink rice were particular favorites of mine. One time one of my housemates invited a professor to dinner on a night when I was cooking. I made curry, which was yellowish, which I served with bright blue rice. The housemate, who was suspicious of my subversive nature, was furious. But I did not know that we were having guests. Later, in that same apartment, I put paper-thin slices of cucumber on the wall. They dried, adhering to the wall and making beautiful patterns of tracery (the kitchen was very very sunny, making it the perfect atmosphere for my feat). I called it "Rome." It was my first piece of conceptual art.


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