"Of course it is your weblog, to do with what you wish. But it is ne'rtheless a log of what you thought/felt in days/weeks past. Re-writing your history won't alter it."
And this is absolutely correct. But sometimes I write in the midst of the kind of mind-racing thoughts that I can't control, and I say things I would not say if I stopped for a moment to think. This is one of my bipolar tendencies: the manic in me just yaks away in a manner that the more morose, depressed me would find impossible and/or repugnant. And like most manic people probably do, if they are well enough to be self-aware, I look back on the products of manic episodes with some shame, some cringing, some regret, and in some cases, horror.
1 comment:
Thank you...I will try to stick to my "no censorship" policy.
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