Wednesday, October 05, 2005

please shut up please

I often listen to WNYC in the morning. It is a public radio station and has good news coverage, including the BBC News Hour. At 10 am there is a talk/call-in show, the Brian Lehrer Show. This show addresses interesting and timely subjects, but I just can't stand Brian Lehrer's showboating style, and his constant interruption of the guests he has on air. Also, if a caller speaks of things that aren't to Lehrer's liking, he cuts them off and moves on. Overall, he comes across as the kind of person you absolutely would not want to hang out with in any situation. So Brian Lehrer, if you are reading this, please: let other people speak, and surrender some of your apparently enormous ego.

1 comment:

T.T. said...

I work in public radio and he was at a conference I went to. You pegged him: he is an ass.