Tuesday, July 18, 2006



The heat suffocates me. My head aches. I try to work, but I can't concentrate. I am going stir-crazy from being inside, but it is too hot to stay out for long. This morning I had to move the car. The guy in front of me sat in his car for an hour with the engine running and his AC on, polluting the air and making things hotter. My head aches. I try to work, but I can't concentrate. I am going stir-crazy. I sleep, but fitfully. My head aches.

Even with the air-conditioners thrumming their constant thrum I can feel the heat pressing against the walls, trying to creep in past the tightly-shut windows, under the door. Even though it is slightly past their dinner time, Tuna, Patsy and Mabel sleep, stupefied.

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