Wednesday, August 03, 2005

file under "sleep, lack of"

While I don't wish to complain so much on my blog, I realize that there is one thing that, if remedied, would go a long way in improving my "mood disorder."

If I could just get a decent night of sleep, or a whole row of them, I think I would be much better.

Last night I went to bed at 11:30. I woke up at 1 am, 3:12 am, 4:22 am, and at 5 am I was wide awake. Now I am exhausted, but I know that if I tried to take a nap I would not sleep either.

I do everything the doctor tells me: exercise, take my medication, don't eat a few hours before sleeping, breathe, relax, keep a regular schedule. Still, I almost never get enough REM sleep.

If anyone out there knows of something that works, please please tell me. Please. I am desperate.


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