Sunday, January 22, 2006

empty, frozen

I was doing well yesterday, waking up early and cleaning my apartment and doing various little things that had to be done. Then in the afternoon I learned something that plunged me back into the morass of last spring, when I could barely think straight. I am now in a dizzy state of sadness, disbelief, disappointment and anger.

But I have a very busy week ahead, and I hope this will keep my mind occupied so that I don't become depressed or too anxious.

Telling the truth is too hard for some people, and self-deceit can be seductive because it protects you both in your own mind and in your relationships with others. But it is destructive ultimately. See what has happened now?

Sorry to be so cryptic. But the actual facts are only necessary for the individuals involved, and out of respect for my own privacy and theirs I will keep them to myself.


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