Saturday, April 07, 2007


Originally uploaded by madabandon.

It was freezing cold in the country. I was ill prepared. I didn't bring warm enough clothes. So I was a little on edge, feeling cold all the time. But the silence and the beauty were well worth it. I did some work, drew, wrote (words), stared into space, slept. The house phone line was dead so I had no internet connection, which was wonderful.

There was a very busy rehearsal at Vassar most of yesterday, and then I drove back here. Oh, an interesting phone call came on Thursday evening. A school in Oakland, CA, interested in having me come out for interview. The timing could not be worse, as the next three weeks will be insanely busy. I am pondering what to do. I have to call the guy today at some point. I can't bring myself to do it now, for some reason. I guess it is because as you can clearly infer I have not thought about it enough. I certainly do like the Bay Area, though.

1 comment:

SHE said...

please count me as a friend in the bay area in the event you head out this way ")